On Saturday, we celebrated our daughter Valentina’s first birthday. We live in a townhouse, so it can be hard to have a lot of people at one time, but I got excited and invited 70 people anyway. I did the invitation on Facebook only and a week and a half before the event, so by Friday night, only 12 people had replied that they were coming. Read more

I came up with the title “Salvadoran Gringo” on a whim, after mulling over the options for several days. As usually happens, I get excited about something, share it with a bunch of people for their feedback, get negative feedback, and then ignore what everyone else said and do what I wanted anyway 😛 Well, that is only partially true; I do consider others’ input carefully. Read more

Welcome to SalvadoranGringo.com! This blog will serve as a place for me to share my thoughts and experiences regarding the integration and blending of two families from different cultural backgrounds. Some of the posts will be topical, relating to cultural, linguistic, historical, and culinary topics, while others will be humorous accounts of our wacky life. Read more